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Biomanufacturing, a process that uses microorganisms to produce industrially useful compounds from biomass, is being developed by Dr. Kohsuke Honda and his team at Osaka University, Japan. The aim is to replace fossil fuels with renewable resources, reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the manufacturing sector. The team is exploring a broader approach, targeting the production of chemical precursors that can be used to create a wide range of products. They are using genetics to engineer microorganisms to produce key metabolites more quickly and abundantly. The team is also seeking to expand the repertoire of microbes that can be used for biomanufacturing, including extremophiles that can survive in harsh environments. To improve efficiency, they are working on genetic “switches” that allow microorganisms to switch from growth to production mode, and are using machine learning to engineer novel enzymes and proteins. The project has its roots in Japan’s historic fermentation industry, which dates back to the 19th century. Honda’s team believes that biomanufacturing can be a key component in creating a sustainable carbon cycle.

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