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Biomimicry is the study of nature’s designs and processes and how they can be used to inspire innovations in human-made products. The article provides examples of how humans have used nature as a source of inspiration, from the design of airplanes to the development of Velcro and self-cleaning surfaces. The article highlights the efficiency and resourceconsciousness of nature, with examples ranging from the honeycomb structure used by bees to build their hives to the design of termite mounds and the stealth technology used by sharks.

The article also explores the inspiration behind various human innovations, such as the development of Velcro, which was inspired by the hook-like structures on burrs, and the design of airplane wings, which mimic the shape and movement of bird wings. The article concludes that nature has many secrets to offer, and by studying and emulating its designs and processes, humans can create more sustainable and efficient technologies. The article also touches on the potential for future innovations, including the development of light-emitting diodes inspired by fireflies and artificial spider silk, which could be used to create stronger and more lightweight materials.

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