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The Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation (IACMI) is celebrating its 10-year anniversary, having played a significant role in revitalizing American manufacturing and strengthening the nation’s defense industrial base. Established in 2015 with Department of Energy (DOE) and Department of Defense (DoD) support, IACMI has focused on advancing composites manufacturing and workforce development. Through public-private collaborations, technical innovation, and workforce development, IACMI has achieved numerous successes, including:

* Convening over 170 members and 4,500 professionals
* Conducting over 60 industry-led R&D projects, resulting in commercialized products and job creation
* Training over 18,000 people in STEM outreach engagements and 12,400 in CNC machining, composites, and metallurgy
* Providing open access to over $400 million in scale-up facilities in 8 states

IACMI’s CEO, Chad Duty, attributed the institute’s success to public-private partnerships, stating, “IACMI has harnessed the power of public-private partnerships to improve products, processes, and people’s lives through composites innovation and workforce solutions.” The institute continues to expand its programs, leveraging its facilities and equipment to advance its purpose, attract startups and small enterprises, and create opportunities with large enterprises, national labs, and universities.

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