IACMI (Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation) is celebrating its 10th anniversary, marking a decade of revitalizing American manufacturing and strengthening the nation’s defense industrial base. Established by the Department of Energy (DOE) in 2015, IACMI has been a key player in the US reindustrialization effort, aiming to make the country a global leader in manufacturing innovation and workforce development. Through public-private collaborations, technical innovation, workforce development, and leveraging resources, IACMI has had a significant impact on the US economy, with four key ways:
* Public-private collaborations: 170+ members and 4,500 professionals from industry, academia, and federal labs collaborating to tackle industry challenges.
* Technical innovation: 90+ members conducting 60+ industry-led R&D projects, commercializing dozens of products, and advancing technology readiness level.
* Workforce development: Providing internships, training, and certification programs, resulting in 100% job placement, STEM outreach engagements, and trained professionals across 50 states.
* Leveraging resources: $400+ million in scale-up facilities and equipment, resulting in an additional $220 million for companies, universities, and workforce initiatives.
IACMI has also developed state-of-the-art scale-up facilities, including the Manufacturing Demonstration Facility at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the IACMI Scale-Up Research Facility in Detroit, Michigan. These facilities have enabled transformational R&D, with projects in energy, transportation, aerospace, and infrastructure. IACMI has become an “ecosystem of innovation,” with an effective formula that works: technical innovation + workforce development = economic growth. As the first DOE institute to receive renewed funding, IACMI is committed to building on its successes and will expand its programs over the next few years.