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The XDI Climate Risk Hub is a platform that enables real-time climate risk assessments for assets worldwide, using a single auditable methodology. The platform is designed to support financial institutions, companies, and governments in due diligence, operational risk, and climate adaptation planning. The technology was initially piloted by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) and has now been expanded to serve all sectors. The XDI Climate Risk Hub offers features such as climate risk ratings, financial risk metrics, analysis up to 2100, and high-resolution spatial data. These features help institutions assess counterparty risk, plan climate adaptation strategies, and improve operational resilience. The platform’s capabilities include screening single assets or large portfolios, performing in-depth due diligence, and identifying high-risk subsets of assets. XDI plans to expand its adaptation-focused tools to further support banks, companies, and governments in building climate-resilient futures.

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