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Finnish food tech startup Onego Bio has submitted a formal notice to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding the safety of its precision-fermented egg protein, Bioalbumen. This protein is made using a fungal strain called Trichoderma reesei and is designed to be a more sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to traditional eggs. Onego Bio plans to target the US market first, with plans to produce 2 million liters of protein per year, equivalent to the output of 6 million hens. The company has received $15.2 million in funding and has plans to submit dossiers for novel food approval in the EU, South America, and Asia. With its production process, the company claims to use 95% less land, 97% less water, and 89% fewer greenhouse gas emissions compared to traditional egg production. The company hopes to offer a competitive price point to chicken eggs and provide a sustainable solution to the food industry.

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