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Professor Tony McNally, Director of the International Institute for Nanocomposites Manufacturing at the University of Warwick’s Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG), has been appointed Editor-in-Chief of Advanced Composites & Hybrid Materials, a top-ranked journal in the field of composites science. The journal, published by Springer Nature, has an Impact Factor of 23.2 in 2023 and provides a global platform for scientists and engineers working with composites and nanocomposites. As Editor-in-Chief, Professor McNally will lead the journal’s transition to fully open access in January 2025. He expresses his privilege in leading the journal and looks forward to working with the Associate Editors and extensive editorial board. Springer Nature’s Publisher, Davide Migliorini, welcomes Professor McNally’s appointment, citing his expertise and editorial experience. The journal’s focus is on advancing materials, their applications, and their design, composition, structure, interface, and properties through modeling and simulation. Professor McNally’s research is available for exploration on his profile page.

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