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The Minneapolis College of Art and Design (MCAD) has partnered with to offer a free online course, “Biomimicry: A Sustainable Design Methodology”. This course functions as an introduction to biomimicry, which is a sustainability framework that studies nature’s best design ideas to solve human design challenges. The course will familiarize students with biological solutions and teach them how to apply nature’s design principles to solve problems. Instructors believe that biomimicry can help individuals develop a new way of thinking to tackle human-centered design challenges. Students will learn how to use a database called, a popular research tool for sustainable designers. The class will run from March 23 to April 20, 2015, as part of MCAD’s Master of Arts in Sustainable Design program. The Biomimicry Institute and the Ray C. Anderson Foundation have also announced a Biomimicry Global Design Challenge, focusing on addressing global food system issues.

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